Hartmann Report

Posted at Hartmann Report on Mar. 11, 2021

The Real “Cancel Culture” Scheme By Republicans Revealed

For some bizarre reason, our media has missed what’s right in front of their faces. While Fox News, rightwing hate radio and Republican politicians have been all over the “canceling” of racist Dr. Seuss drawings (by the family foundation) and Mr. Potatohead (by toymaker Hasbro), they’ve been quite vigorous in pursuing “cancel culture” in other areas.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Mar. 10, 2021

The British Monarchy & the Royal Trumps Remind Us All of the Importance of Democracy

The world is getting tired of overdressed cranky billionaire families Americans of pretty much every race, class and political persuasion are recoiling in disgust that the British royal family would even seriously discuss refusing to give security protection or a title to Harry's and Megan's son because of concerns about "how dark" his skin might be. Since our country allied with Great Britain in World Wars I and II, Americans have generally held a favorable view of the British Royals. Books, magazines and even TV shows about them are perennial and predictable best-sellers.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Mar. 10, 2021

Rich vs. Poor – Who Will Win?

Professor Richard Wolff joined the Thom Hartmann Progam to discuss how the Rich make the Poor, Poorer. Here is a transcript of that interview. (with audio)
