2007 Archives

Posted at Thom Hartmann on Nov. 1, 2007

The "Real" School Is Not Free

The concept of compulsory public schools has been tried, with little success.People commonly educate their children as they build their houses, according to some plan they think beautiful, without considering whether it is suited to the purposes for which they are designed.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Nov. 1, 2007


Coaching, both for children, teenagers, and adults, offers a number of advantages. Consider these:
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Oct. 29, 2007

What is the Radical Middle?

What is the Radical Middle?The Founders of this nation represented the first Radical Middle. Back then they called it "being liberal."
Posted at Buzzflash on Oct. 20, 2007

Edward J. Larson's 'A Magnificent Catastrophe': Thom Hartmann's Independent Thinker Book of the Month Review

One of the most startling things we learn from history is how little we've learned -- and how often that failure to learn causes history to repeat itself. The election of 2008 may well -- depending on who is the Democratic nominee -- end up being a startling replay of the election of 1800. In that election, Thomas Jefferson, who along with James Madison founded what is today's modern Democratic Party (known then as the Republican Party), challenged sitting president and ardent conservative Federalist (what today would be called "Republican") John Adams.
