2008 Archives

Posted at Thom Hartmann on Sep. 26, 2008

How Wall Street Can Bail Itself Out Without Destroying The Dollar

For Grover “Drown Government In The Bathtub” Norquist, this bailout deal will work out very well. At a proposed cost of $4,780 per taxpayer, it’ll further the David Stockman strategy of so indebting us that the next president won’t have the luxury of even thinking of new social spending (expanding health care, social security, education, infrastructure, etc.); taxes will even have to be raised just to pay for the bailout.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Sep. 4, 2008

Where’s the News?

Where’s the News?As I could have predicted, the corporate mainstream media is falling all over themselves to congratulate Sarah Palin on her speech. The well known truth is that Palin's speech has galvanized the conservative base. The media is not and most likely will not ask the tough questions like…
Posted at Buzzflash on Jul. 14, 2008

"The Bridge at the Edge of the World" -- The Thom Hartmann July "Independent Thinker" Review of the Month

The world’s population, CO2 emissions, and pollution rates are in an almost vertical climb. Half of the world’s tropical and temperate forests are gone. Eighty percent of the world’s fisheries have been decimated. Since the Industrial Revolution over 20,000 species have gone extinct at rates not seen in 65 million years (since the dinosaurs disappeared). Half the wetlands and a third of the world’s mangroves are gone. Twenty percent of the corals are gone and another 20 percent are severely threatened. And the list goes on... These are the current trends and figures concerning our global environmental health. If our culture leaves our environmental policies and practices at the current rate and status, there will be no habitable planet for our grandchildren… period.
Posted at Buzzflash on May. 18, 2008

Darfur Now: Six Stories, One Hope (DVD)

As the title would imply, "Darfur Now" is a movie about the situation in Darfur.Since I returned from the region only a few weeks ago, much of the footage was of tragically familiar scenes - refugees, burned villages, disease, starvation, and the haunting echoes of mass rape and murder. I walked through camps that looked identical to what is in the movie, heard stories from mostly women (the men were either murdered or the few survivors fled) of how their husbands and children were murdered in front of them, and felt the helplessness, anger, and, frankly, fear that the Janjaweed or the Sudanese Army may show up at any moment and begin the killing anew.
Posted at Buzzflash on Feb. 23, 2008

The 11th Hour (DVD)

How bad are things? Worse than you ever could have imagined.How good can they become? Better than you ever could have imagined.Al Gore's film is about global warming and the life of Al Gore. Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie, "The 11th Hour," is about Everything.
