2014 Archives

Posted at Thom Hartmann on May. 14, 2014

The Mitch McConnell VA Scandal

The Republican Chaos Strategy is working like a charm, and now the GOP is trying to make everyone forget who the real villains are when it comes to denying benefits to our veterans.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on May. 13, 2014

Did Reagan kill entrepreneurialism?

American entrepreneurialism is dying a slow and steady death. A new report out from The Brookings Institute paints a pretty dreary picture of entrepreneurialism in America over the past 30 years.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on May. 12, 2014

Does Cliven Bundy Represent The Ugly American?

The Ugly American is back in a big way. Back in March of 2001, the Taliban blew up and destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan, two massive, 6th century statues of the Buddha, that were carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamwam valley of Afghanistan.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on May. 7, 2014

The War on Voting Comes Home

Republicans hate it when people vote. Despite what the people over at Fox So-Called News say, this really is a center-left nation, and when lots of people vote, it hurts Republican candidates.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on May. 5, 2014

The American Military Junta

America is now officially being ruled by a military Junta. That’s right. Much like the military government in Chile that was led by General Augusto Pinochet, our military now has expansive powers, which infringe upon our Constitutional rights.
