2014 Archives

Posted at Thom Hartmann on Oct. 16, 2014

The Real Rick Scott Debate Scandal

The state of commercial media in America today is that "if it bleeds, it leads." Rather than provide us with real news, our corporatized media gives us ratings-driven infotainment drivel, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Oct. 15, 2014

A Red State Privatization Horror Story

Conservatives and libertarians have been saying for a long, long time that if we just get rid of government and replace it with the private sector, everything will run a whole lot better.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Oct. 14, 2014

Is This "American Exceptionalism"?

Just how exceptional is America really? Everyone loves to talk about American exceptionalism. We constantly hear our politicians say that “America is the greatest country in the world.” But just how great are we?
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Oct. 6, 2014

The Republican Caucus Room Conspiracy Might Even Kill You

The Republican Caucus Room Conspiracy is putting all of our lives at risk. As the condition of Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man diagnosed with Ebola in Texas, continues to worsen, and as fears over Ebola spreading in the U.S. continue to grow, the right-wing media is lashing out at the U.S. Surgeon General. So who is the Surgeon General?
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Sep. 30, 2014

Why the Web of Life is Dying…

Could you survive with just half of your organs? Think about it. What if you had just half your brain, one kidney, half of your heart, one lung, half a liver and only half of your skin? It would be pretty hard to survive right?
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Sep. 25, 2014

URGENT: Stop conservatives before they kill again…

Conservative economic policies are eating middle-class Americans alive – and killing us, too. For any society to work, people’s basic needs have to be met, whether they have a job or not, and whether the economy is in an upswing or a downswing.
Posted at Thom Hartmann on Sep. 24, 2014

For-Profit Insanity is Killing Americans

Despite what you might hear on Fox So-Called News, Obamacare really is working. Uninsured rates are dropping, premiums are a lot lower than expected, and in the states that have expanded Medicaid, hundreds of thousands of working Americans now have access to free, I repeat, free healthcare.
