2021 Archives

Posted at Hartmann Report on Oct. 7, 2021

Will the Next President Be America's Last President?

If an alliance of neoliberal billionaires & authoritarian Republican politicians succeed at blocking Biden’s progressive reforms or drag us into a recession - we are truly screwed. Mitch McConnell’s use of the debt ceiling, and two Democratic senators taking big bucks from billionaires and the fossil fuel industry to sabotage Democratic efforts, illustrate a major — and largely unacknowledged — crisis point in American politics.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Oct. 6, 2021

The Lost People

What is the most horrific crime humans can commit against other humans? Let’s take a momentary break from the insanity of our politics today and look at what is really and truly driving all our crises around the world. “The Lost People,” was originally published in Spirit of Change magazine, November 1998. It’s even more relevant today than it was then: please set aside a few minutes to read it all the way through. I believe you’ll find it worth your time and would love to read your comments and thoughts on it; it cuts to the root of our “modern” world’s core crises.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Oct. 5, 2021

It's the Algorithm, Stupid!

How what started out as a pleasant view of Aunt Sally's summer vacation ends up with a bloody police officer on the floor of the US Capitol and a democracy in flames. The difference between cocaine and crack cocaine is almost entirely one of pH, the relative scale of acidity or alkalinity. Regular cocaine in its original plant form, coca leaf, is commonly consumed by people across the mountainous parts of South America and has been for millennia, much as caffeine has been used through drinking tea in parts of Asia. It causes little to no harm; people can drink coca tea with no more impact than the caffeine from a soft drink.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Oct. 4, 2021

Hungarian-Style Soft Authoritarianism is the GOP’s Ruthless New Brand

The GOP believes to their core that by the end of 2024 they can do to America what Viktor Orbán did to Hungary – and therefore never again face serious political opposition: will it work? While it’s fashionable in some circles to compare Donald Trump and the modern-day GOP to Hitler or Mussolini and their fascist movements from the 1930s, what’s happening on the international stage right is actually somewhat different and, once in power, far harder to stop or overthrow. Call it “soft fascism” or neofascism. The problem with the old fascism was that it was too brutal and militaristic: it offended voters’ democratic sensibilities, killed way too many people, and caused nearby nations to respond militarily to its perceived threat.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Oct. 2, 2021

Saturday Report 10/2/21

— Is the Billionaire Sabotage of the Democrats Baked In? After the Nixon and Agnew bribery scandals that led them both to leave office, Congress passed some really good legislation to get money out of politics. Conservatives on the Supreme Court blew it up, most famously in the 5-4 Citizens United decision in 2010, and the entire Republican Party put out their hands to the billionaires and big corporations (if you know of even one single Republican who doesn’t take corporate PAC money, let me know). A large handful of Democrats decided this was a good idea, too. The past decade has seen a significant pushback against these types of politicians, with the Congressional Progressive Caucus growing and taking serious power. As I mentioned in yesterday’s rant, the big question is whether this movement within the Democratic Party will be successful in “going big” like FDR and LBJ did, or will get crushed by the billionaires and the corporations empowered by SCOTUS, including the media corporations. Laura Clawson over at Daily Kos adds some very insightful thoughts on the issue of the media’s inherent bias against the progressives and toward the Gottheimers' of the party.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Sep. 30, 2021

Is America Having a Foreign-Led “McCarthy Moment”?

What if foreigners are, today, the ones largely responsible for much of the division, death and destruction sweeping America and, in many cases, are doing it not for ideology but just to make a buck? The stories of Covid deaths and disability are often tragic, and they’re happening by the millions in America. These stories — and the grim spectacle of armed white people protesting at schools, election sites and hospitals — illustrate a dangerous new intersection of public health, politics, and social media. Many, it turns out, are driven by an entire foreign-based industry called “troll farms” using social media to crank Americans into foaming-at-the-mouth crazy, including armed groups in our streets, just to make money.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Sep. 29, 2021

Debt Ceiling: Republican Suicide Bombers Threaten America

They are trying to create chaos the media will blame on the Democrats while making it infinitely more difficult to pass Biden’s $3.5 trillion Build Back Better legislation. Mitch McConnell just had Republicans in the Senate declare a filibuster against a simple piece of legislation that would raise the debt ceiling to keep the federal government running, telling Democrats if they want to avoid a massive and destructive government shutdown they’re going to have to raise the debt ceiling using reconciliation. It appears that this is suicidal behavior. Why would they be willing to blow up the entire country along with themselves and their reputations?
Posted at Hartmann Report on Sep. 28, 2021

Angela Merkel Governed Germany to the Left of Bernie Sanders: Why Don't Americans Know?

If Angela Merkel has governed Germany for 16 years as a “conservative,” there are probably a lot of Americans ready to adopt the label. The headline at Fox “News” blares: “German Elections: Big Setback for Merkel’s Conservatives as Center-Left Party Comes Out on Top.” In a single sentence, it summarizes everything wrong with how American media and the American public understand what “conservative” means.
Posted at Hartmann Report on Sep. 27, 2021

The New "Businessman‘s Conspiracy" Authoritarian Plot Is Closer Than You Think

All genuinely patriotic Americans must unite to repudiate this quick-spreading cancer in the Republican Party - or 2024 in America may simply echo 1933 in Europe. This week may be the last chance before the next election for Joe Biden and the Democrats to prove they can actually govern and accomplish things the American people want. If they fail, fascism wins. History shows that most democratic nations don’t realize how serious their fascism problem is until it overtakes them altogether.
